Parallel Final

Title Fonts

We looked at some films that are similar to our film to see what types of fonts their titles used, what colours they used, etc. This will help us massively when deciding what to make our titles look like.

Jacobs Ladder

This title is big and bold, the producers name and actors etc are bold and capitalised. The main title is a glowing blue colour with shadowed, lighter, ghostly text behind it. This has a kind of eerie feel to it. The title is positioned at the top of film cover, as it is at the top, it has created a main focus of the cover. The first thing to look at would be the title and from that people could get ideas of what the film could be about. All the actors presented on the cover are right at the top, above the film title and all bold an capitalised.

Black Swan

This title is at the bottom of the film cover. It is black, bold and capitalised. The names of the actors are above the title with their first names in lower case and their last names bold and in upper case. The black title is against a white background, this creates contrast which therefore makes the title stand out even more.


Memento includes a series of polaroid images including the same picture in each one. The title is written in quite scruffy, childish writing. On the second polaroid there is a quote: "some memories are best forgotten". This line draws people in and makes then wonder what memory is trying to be forgotten and why its so bad. Each actors name is capitalised, however not bold. The title is Black, old and also capitalised to make it stand out.

The Butterfly Effect

The bluey-green colour on the front of this film makes the film look like a sci-fi. The actors names are in blocks around the cover to make a large rectangle. The title is red which almost makes it look like a detective kind of genre. The title starts off small and increases in size towards the middle of the text, then decreasing again towards the end. It also becomes bolder and larger towards the middle . This makes the title stand out. This is good when trying to catch peoples eyes.

Mr Brooks

The title for the film Mr Brooks is bold, white and capitalised. It is in the same position as the Black Swans title, the image has a man showing both sides of his personality by taking part of his face away, seeing what's really underneath. This would relate to our film as the man in our film is schizophrenic and therefore has a split personality. The actors names are positioned above the title, first names in lower case and last names capitalised.

Primal Fear

The letters on this cover are quite spaced out, this would make people pay more attention to the title as they would have to concentrate more to put the letters together to figure out the word, it could look quite confusing if the letters are spaced out. This film cover also has white writing against a dark background, this creates contrast and makes the title stand out more.