Parallel Final

Feedback from Film Pitch

Many of the comments we received were positive ones and are shown below:

Many people commented on our good editing ideas which is something that we thought would be popular and lots of people also said that we were united in our ideas about the film which is good as everyone needs to be on board and like the idea in order for it to be successful.
Some however said that the genre was a bit confusing which we, as a group, have taken into serious consideration as this is not a problem that we want to keep. From presenting our idea to the class we learnt a lot that people didn't comment on, for example, that we needed to take into consideration the target audience more and be more specific, not just saying 'adults' so this is something we discussed and sorted out. We also came to the conclusion that we needed to cut out some of the scenes we wanted to film as it could make us rush and therefore not produce a high-quality opening sequence. We decided to focus on just two locations instead of three, reducing the dialogue and focusing more on the effects and titles.