Parallel Final

Extra Student Film Opening Analysis

These are other film openings that we were asked to go away and find on our own. I found it interesting seeing all the different and vast amounts of ideas that people had came up with.

Growing Pains

I think the camera shots are very good, especially the one with the skateboard and it helps to build up tension. I like how it switches from the two girls and back to the boy until eventually the girl and boy both meet as I think that is a very clever idea. The music appears relevant to the genre.

At first it leads you to believe that this is some kind of Teen Drama because of the music and how they're speaking, However at the end it seems like it may be more of a Romantic film so I think perhaps they should have made the genre a bit clearer. The sound also needed to be more clear in my opinion as at times it was actually hard to hear what the girls were saying.

I think this deserves a low level four as the editing and camera shots are excellent and the titles are done well. The Mise en Scene is also well thought out as it is set in a typical London town with the high-rise flats and bus stops, which is how teenagers are generally represented. The editing with the girls and then going to the boy is clever and helps to build more of an atmosphere. The only criticism is perhaps working on the sound.

Pulled From The Rough

I really liked the story-line in this opening sequence as it does leave you wondering lots of things but at the same time it isn't confusing. I liked the setting and the characters personalities that were portrayed. I also thought that considering this is supposed to be a very serious film, the acting was superb as I can imagine you would get the giggles a lot trying to act out something like this. I liked the music in the background as it made it seem more like an opening then just a clip from a film.

Some of the camera shots could have been improved as sometimes they cut off parts of the boy in a way that looked unnatural and I also think they broke the 180 degree rule about half way through the sequence which looks confusing. The titles could have been more imaginative.

I would say this is definitely in Level Four as the acting is brilliant and the Mise en Scene is good. The setting and the props is well thought out, a messy bedroom with lots of alcohol bottles which leaves the audience with an idea of what this girl has been up to (drinking, lounging around, etc) but doesn't give a reason as to why she is behaving in this way which makes the film a lot more intriguing for the audience. The only thing I would say when it comes to editing is to be wary of the shots and frames and also making sure the sound is clear.


Some of the shots are done well, especially the beginning one with the shoes walking up the steps and when they are running as it makes it seem more tense. I also liked the music choice as it was relevant to the genre.

The sound at the beginning of this film is not very clear and you can hear the wind a lot, they should have maybe considered re-recording that bit of sound. There are also a limited amount of titles, the ones that are there are done well but it would have been nice to see some more. One of my biggest criticisms would be that the special effects are not realistic at all, there is no blood when the first boy is shot and the explosions coming out of the guns look cartoon. When another person is shot and blood is visible, the blood is cartoon also. In addition, the guns look like children's toys which makes the film seem more comical than serious which I presume isn't what they were aiming for. It also seems more like a short film as at the end it seems like they have achieved their aim, finding whatever was in that locker. The only question I have at the end is what was actually inside but apart from that everything else is answered already.

I think this would have achieved low/middle level three as the genre is quite evident by the use of the music and the guns (even if they aren't very realistic). However the Mise en Scene, such as the setting, at a school during the day. There would not only be a few students if it were during the day and it is very unlikely that they would kill people for an item hidden in a students locker. The props were not very well thought out, for example the gun. The special effects needed to be improved massively.