Parallel Final

Shot List

During our film sequence we want to include a variety of shots to make it more interesting for the audience. This is a rough idea of the types of shots we want to include in the order they'll appear in the opening sequence:

1. High panning shot of tree's in Admirals Park 
2. Wormseye shot of river 
3. Extreme long shot of the park 
4. Close up of a roundabout spinning on its own
5. Close up, wormseye shot of the man's leg
6. Pan upwards to reveal the man sitting on the bench 
7. Mid-shot that tilts upwards to reveal both personalities sitting on the bench 
8. Close up of mans mouth 
9. Long-shot of both men sitting on the bench 
10. 180 degree shot during conversation 
11. A variety of tracking shots including close ups and long shots whilst the man is walking to the bus stop. 
12. Long shot from across the street. 

All of these shots will be accompanied with dialogue, music and titles.

The pictures below shows our group looking and planning our shot list: