Parallel Final

Gossip Girl Opening Scene

This video opens with a clip of a girl on a train, this immediately creates a sense of mystery as no explanation of where she's going is given. It is situated in a train station - Grand Central - which could suggest that this is going to be about why this girl has returned/arriving in New York. As all the clip is focused on this blonde haired girl, we can assume that she is the protagonist in this series which creates intrigue as the audience will want to know where she's coming from and why she left in the first place. We can also tell that technology will play a big part in this series as it shows a girl taking a picture of the blonde, the fact that she is taking a picture of her could suggest that she is supposed to be well known/famous in the series.
The normal, everyday clothes and the iconic setting of Grand Central Station along with the high-key lighting shows that this series could include romance, drama and teenage issues. The fact that it is set in Grand Central Station and that the blonde is placed on the balcony whilst she watches over below shows that she could be of a higher social positioning than most. However she looks anxious about returning and this could mean that her looking down could simply be her worry of what people will think.