Parallel Final

Film Poster - Semiotics

SEMIOTICS DEFINITION: The study of signs and also of anyhing which stands for something else. We read images and pictures in an attempt to decode them and make sense of what they mean to us.

DENOTATION: What we see when we look at an image (what it is)
CONNOTATION: Wht we undertstand from this image (what other meanings it has)

Colours Used
The colours used in this film poster such as the light blue in the background reflects a happy tone but also a feeling of loneliness perhaps. There are also streaks of white in the sky which signifies purity and innocence. The red of the mane implies power but also danger. The mane is a warm orange at the top showing that this lion is a warm and kind character but as you look further down the mane, the red gets darker which could suggest that there are hidden secrets. The golden colour of the lions suggests royalty, which reflects the title.

The male lion is placed above all of the other characters which shows that he is the most powerful and in charge. It shows leadership and that this lion has responsibility. The faded lion in the sky could represent the idea that the male lion is being watched from above for how he leads and the decisions that he makes. The red-maned lion isn't looking at the figure in the sky which could imply that he is trying to avoid his responsibilities but doesn't want to face the consequences for doing so. The female lion just below is looking in the same direction as the male lion, showing that they have the same visions and dreams. On the rock we can see three other animals and even though they are small, the fact that they are standing on a rock which is evidently higher than the ground, shows that they are all important and significant to the story. The rock signifies leadership and authority and because they have all been placed on it, it must mean that they are important to a certain extent.