Parallel Final

Film Pitch

The Toy Company from oliviaseymour

- As it is a children's film we thought it would be a good idea to have pictures of the film on balloons and then have people handing out the balloons in town centres/cities which excites the children because most children love balloons but also catches the adults attention and may make them research the film which will make people more likely to come and watch it.


This is the film idea that me, Sam Bellman and Olivia Plumpton came up with. We were given a genre and two lessons to come up with a plot, character/cast list, BBFC certificate and marketing ideas. This task was challenging but also fun at the same time as we were able to be imaginative and think outside of the box. We presented the slideshow above to the class and received feedback, which was mostly positive. We received mostly 7/8/9's out of a possible 10 in all sections of the feedback sheet which I think is good. People liked our cast list and our marketing ideas, especially one that isn't mentioned on here but involves handing out balloons with the film poster on to children in popular cities/towns.
In the future I would definitely split up each section and allocate it to a certain member of the group and then put it all together at the end. This is because ideas can clash and this can slow down the process. Doing parts individually will also allow more thought to be put into each section and more time to be taken on it, rather than it being rushed. Ultimately, the end result should be better.
In conclusion, I think the film idea went relatively well and that our plot was good but I wish we had more time to spend on it/that our group allocated separate parts to individual people.