Parallel Final


Genre: A style or category of film, art, music or literature. It aims to please the audience as there are certain things that people associate with certain genres and therefore this creates expectations. You can look at codes and conventions and know what genre you're watching. Genres feature a set of characteristics and conventions which are recognized by the audience. Different genres appeal to different people. If a film that is supposed to be a specific genre doesn't include these characteristics then the audience will be disappointed. Genres create a relationship between the producers and the audience.

Different types of genre include:
- Action/adventure
- Sci-Fy
- Comedy
- Historical
- Children
- Horror
- Thriller

A HYBRID is a mixture of genres.

In groups we had to walk around our school site and take pictures of things that were relevant to certain film genres. My groups pictures and explanations of them are shown below:


The idea behind this is to create the obvious idea of love with the heart. The wall in the background represents simplicity, and the idea that true love should, in theory, be simple. Audiences would know that this is supposed to be a romance film by the heart.
This could have gone better if we had a red brick wall, red representing love.


This is supposed to be an image representing horror. First of all the colours are black and white with a light focusing on one thing (low-key lighting) which indicates that it's going to be eerie. Around the eye is a sort of white mist which you would typically see in horrors. The eye looks like an ordinary eye looking into a dark, scary place which makes you feel worried for what the person may experience once inside. This horror film could be centred around hidden secrets/someone watching you.

I would have liked to make the eye look a bit more scary although I think the idea of it looking so normal and innocent adds to the horror factor.


This is supposed to represent an action film as the skip is meant to make it seem like we shouldn't be in that specific area. We used the skip as our prop as it looks scratched and damaged with lots of rubbish it which has a bit of a eerie feel, I was aiming to make the picture seem like it was in some deserted place and the only thing we could take cover behind was this old skip. The pointing indicates that the thing that the two people are looking for are in that direction and because its behind a wall, it makes it look like the two girls are hiding.
This could have worked better if the school building wasn't in the background and we could have used a more empty area to take the pictures,


This represents sci-fy as it is supposed to look like the girl is trapped. The girl looks quite ordinary which could mean that she has been trapped in some parallel universe where normal is a crime. She looks more confused than upset which could mean that she doesn't know how she has ended up there. The fact that my hands are on the panels of the gate could show that I want to escape but have given up hope trying.

If given more time and more facilities to work with this could have been better as I could have worked with costume and background more.


The picture is supposed to represent comedy by just looking a bit silly. The girl under the piece of equipment which looks expensive and hard to operate clearly doesn't know how to use it and therefore this creates a comical element as she's doing the opposite to what she's supposed to. The other girl is attempting to spray her with something which, for all she knows, could be a dangerous chemical. It makes both of them look a bit ditsy and oblivious but also funny at the same time.

I found this one the most difficult as its hard to know what is classified as funny and what isn't. It could have worked better if we had more time as we could have found better facilities to use and thought about it more. Originally this was supposed to represent the Sci-Fy genre due to the space-looking equipment but as the picture looks more comical than serious, we decided to use to to represent comedy instead. Perhaps it could also be used as a comedy/Sci-Fy hybrid.