Parallel Final

Prelim Self Evaluation


1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
I worked with Mollie Habbershaw and Bonnie Fitch. In the beginning during the planning stages, we each took on a task to complete so we could start filming and editing quicker. Although this was a quicker process, it meant that a lot of the decisions for the storyboard and script for example, were individual decisions and not choices made as a group. Bonnie took on the task of filming, however I did film parts of the clip and Mollie mainly acted.

 2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? What theories did you try to take in to account?
We planned it by mainly using spider-diagrams in the beginning but then transferring all that information onto a word document. We tried to think about the conventions of the horror genre as much as possible whilst planning but also the different types of camera angles and shots we needed to include.

 3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?

We used the video camera mainly to film obviously, but also our phones have a torch which you can use to flash and this helped especially in the beginning scene of the sequence. The computers were obviously another piece of technology that we had to use a lot for editing. 

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
The main thing that was annoying about planning was the amount of time that we had to do it. We knew that if we finished planning earlier then we could start filming and editing sooner but at the same time we also knew it was important not to rush the planning. We had to find the right balance for timing. The issue with shooting was that we were very limited in where we could film, as we didn't have that long to plan, we couldn't plan/book places to film far in advance so we had to make do with places around/near school. Editing was one of the hardest parts as we needed to make it look scary and due to filming in the daytime, most of the shots were filmed in light places which didn't look very scary so that's why we all made the decision that the sequence would look better in black and white. Transitions were also another issue as we needed to make them look smooth but some shots looked better if they weren't just a straight cut. In the future I think I would need to take into consideration how the shots follow on from each other in order to allow the sequence to run more smoothly.

 5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production?

I think the sequence was successful in the sense of filming and time organisation; we managed to get all the shots in and film and edit in time. However, I think we all underestimated how hard trying to make a horror film was going to be when only filming in school. There was not much flexibility with filming so it was harder to shoot it exactly how we wanted it. As I’m definitely more of an organisational person than a creative person, this also made it harder as producing a horror film means you have to have a lot of creativity. The music that we chose worked well and the beginning/title scene as it helped to build up that horror factor. It was hard to make dialogue sound scary and to produce a scary, typical ‘horror film’ storyline and to be able to fit it in in such a short amount of time. In the future I would focus less on the speaking part and concentrate more on the setting and music as I believe that is the majority of what makes a film scary. I would also perhaps not look at it from a supernatural perspective as it is hard to create those sort of scenes without special equipment and be very knowledgeable about special effects.

Others said that we managed to show the horror conventions well and that our music choices were good and perhaps the main thing that made the genre clear. A couple of feedback sheets say that the speech was not very clear which is something we will have to work on in the future when making a shooting schedule. Most people said that the story-line was easy to understand and that we included good shots. A couple commented on the editing and said they liked the slow motion scene in the toilets. 

6) What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing the rest of your foundation coursework, do you think?

I have learnt not to underestimate the filming. Filming is potentially the hardest part as you need to make sure everything is done right and perhaps film more than you need in order to get the editing right. I also learnt that planning is essential in order for the sequence to be successful and that you really need to plan in detail. This learning will be beneficial when I complete my actual film sequence as I will make sure to identify each individuals in the group strengths and weaknesses and that will enable each person to focus on a specific part which they will excel in.